Algemene Ledenvergadering 2019
Verslag van de Algemene Ledenvergadering (ALV) van Wikimedia België vzw 2019.
Verlag van de algemene vergadering (in het Engels-details)
[bewerken]Zaterdag 15/06/2019 om 14:00
Troonstraat 51, Elsene |
[bewerken]Only Effective members have voting rights.
Current board members
[bewerken]- Romaine (board member)
- Geertivp (chairman)
- Lionel Scheepmans (board member)
- .Anja. (board member)
- Alberto (board member)
As effective members
[bewerken]Votes by Proxy
[bewerken]Effectieve leden die niet aanwezig zijn kunnen een volmacht geven aan een gevolmachtigde. Slechts 1 volmacht per stemgerechtigde. Aanvragen via:
Voter | Owns a proxy for |
Romaine | LeFagnard |
Lionel Scheepmans | MADe |
New candidate effective members
[bewerken]Have indicated the wish to become an effective member:
- Kvardek du (not present - Wikimedia workshops in Paris at the same time)
- Taketa (talk) 14:38, 4 June 2019 (UTC)
- Paul Hermans
- Ciell
- Vinciane Lacroix
- LeFagnard
The Board, with 5 of 6 board members present, accepts those 6 new effective members.
Associate members
[bewerken]Associate members can attend the meeting but do not have voting rights.
- Dominique Labar
- Rony Vissers
[bewerken]Decision making
[bewerken]For valid decisions a majority of n/2 + 1 votes are necessary.
There are 10 effective members represented, and 2 proxy voters, so we require 7 votes to have majority and approval of decisions.
We appoint Ciell & Spider as vote counter. .Anja. is voluntary secretary/report taker.
Activiteiten in 2018
[bewerken]See Activities.
Jaarrekening 2018
- The EXPS code needs to be relabeled as "Onkostennota's" instead of "Diverse uitgaven"
- Geert explains that all transactions are done via the bank account; either via invoice payments, or expense claim payments. There are no bank cards, nor credit cards, nor cash payments to be sure to not have unfunded transactions.
- Ciell proposes for next year to create a "Rekeningencommissie" (Accounts Committee). Ciell and Spider are candidate. Spider and Ciell are appointed by the GA to audit the 2019 bank transactions and general ledger.
- The aggregate expenses are better based on projects. Geert shows that this is done in the Foundation report. There can be some difference between the Annual Accounts, and the Foundation annual report; the annual account is calendar based from 1 January till 31 December, with a possibility for provisions, while the Foundation report is based on the sAPG and the project grants, which can be shifted from the calendar year.
Voting to discharge the board: 12 agree to discharge (none against, no abstention). The Annual Accounts are accepted and the board is hereby discharged.
Budget 2019
[bewerken]We received from WMF a grant of 16.500 € for 2019, the same amount as in 2018. Due to the 2030 Strategy process (2019 Summit report) the Foundation has frozen the sAPG Affiliates budgets.
Details for WMBE:
- Budget and resource plan/2019
- Annual plan/2019
[bewerken]Statutaire regels
[bewerken]- A mandate as Board member is valid for 2 years
- The Chairman needs to be re-elected every year
- The number of Board members is between 3-6; Board decision 2015-12-05 approved at the 2016-01-23 General Assembly
- Only effective members have voting rights for the General assembly
- Only effective members can become a Board member only after being candidate and after election
- Associate members can become effective member, after 6 months being associate member, upon request, and by approval of the Board
Herverkiezing van 2019
[bewerken]Can continue their 2nd year Board member without re-election:
- .Anja. (Gender and Diversity)
- Lionel Scheepmans (Education and cultural knowledge Equity)
Have completed their 2nd year Board member, and are candidate for reelection:
- Romaine (Treasurer)
Up for re-election:
- Geert Van Pamel (Chairman)
Prefer to step back as board member:
- Alberto Fernandez (National Liaison)
- Robin Pepermans (Secretary)
Kandidaten - we hebben een vacature voor 2 nieuwe kandidaten; als je kandidaat wil zijn voor het bestuur, gelieve het bestuur op de hoogte te brengen via
- Taketa: Mike Nicolaije was board member of WMNL till 2019
All board member candidates are (re)elected, see /Minutes for details. Geert was appointed as chair by the new board.
Internal Board procedures
[bewerken]Board members are expected to be active for the Association. They fulfill their role in collaboration and agreement with the other board members and the chairman. They have legal and moral obligations and responsibilities towards the Belgian Government, the Wikimedia Foundation, our members, and to the general public.
Activiteiten voor 2019
[bewerken]Voor 2019 willen we blijven groeien als Wikimedia België. We hebben voldoende financiële middelen ontvangen om nieuwe activiteiten te organiseren. We willen van deze gelegenheid gebruik maken om expliciet vrijwilligers te bereiken die eventueel geïnteresseerd zijn in het organiseren van activiteiten of projecten, en hiervoor financiële en logistieke ondersteuning vanuit Wikimedia België kunnen gebruiken. Daarom sporen we je uitdrukkelijk aan om naar deze Algemene Ledenvergadering te komen, of je nu een idee om te organiseren hebt of niet!
- WikiConvention francophone: 200 persons are expected from FR speaking countries
- Photo contest Wiki Loves Heritage
- Edit-a-thon Liège Femmes belges et liégeoises - possible regular edit-a-thons at the Bibliothèque Les Chiroux in Liège about women and feminism
- Using Wikipedia and Vikidia for homeschoolers
- Commons workshops at the maison Losseau (from september 2019) - see also workshops at the maison Losseau in 2018
- Training "Writing for Wikipedia"
- Wikidata sessions
- Writing weeks
- GLAM edit-a-thons
- Wiki Club Brussels
- Wikimania submissions
Various topics
[bewerken]- Association
- Social networks - new French Twitter account, perspectives, others channels
A communications plan is being created.
- Legal
- New legal rules for vzw by 1 januari 2020 - so we should have new legal statutes by 1 januari 2024
- Ultimate Beneficial Owner (new European law on money laundering)
- Foundation
- Affiliate-selected Board seats. Nataliia and Shani are elected. ASBS board members are elected in person but they should align with, defend, and protect the interests of the Affiliates (Chapters, and User Groups) requirements, and (indirectly) the community.
- Wikimedia Foundation Strategy 2019
- Wikimedia Foundation Medium-term plan 2019
- WMF Chapter Roles and responsibilities
- Friendly space policies
- Yearly international chapter meeting
- Feedback on Wikimedia sAPG process
- External funding
- TechStorm WMNL 21-23 November, WMBE to invite people to the event; Ciell to send email
At the General assembly it was suggested by one of the participants, as a reaction to the verbal report of Romaine, that, in order to bring clarity and objectivity in the general working of the T&S and of the Grants team, legally and technically, a WMF internal audit could be requested about:
- the way T&S is handling complaints and applies decisions about complaint cases, whether the cases are handled in an objective and neutral way, and to verify whether the rights of defendants are sufficiently guaranteed.
- how the Grants team handles, evaluates, accepts, or refuses grant requests, and if the Grants team sufficiently applies inter-cultural sensitivity.
The outcome of the internal audit could be a remediation plan, an adapted Safe space policy, and subsequent Trust & Safety procedures.
See m:Request for WMF Internal audits and appeal procedures for more details.
- New Board members
Mike proposes that a document "Welcome new Board member" is written.
The meeting was closed at 17:25.