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2018-04-14 General Assembly

From Wikimedia Belgium

General Assembly (GA) of Wikimedia Belgium vzw/asbl


  • Date: Saturday 14 April 2018 at 13h
WTC Tower 1 - 25th floor (Office "Constant")
Boulevard Albert II / Koning Albert II-laan 30
(entrance: Rue Willem De Molstraat)
B-1210 Brussels



Here you can indicate that you plan to attend this General Assembly. Effective members who will not be present can give a proxy to another member via wmbe@wikimedia.org

  1. SPQRobin (board member)
  2. Romaine (board member)
  3. Geertivp (chairman)

Excused (if you'd like to come but unfortunately can't make it):



2017 activities


See Activities.

Annual Accounts 2017


Budget 2018


We received from WMF a grant of 16.500 € for 2018.


WMBE board in 2018
WMBE board in 2017

Association rules


2018 re-election


Can continue their 2nd year Board member without re-election:

  • Romaine (Treasurer)
  • Alberto Fernandez (National Liaison)

Up for re-election:

  • Geert Van Pamel (Chairman)
  • Robin Pepermans (Secretary)

Prefers to step back as board member:

  • Loraine Furter (Gender and diversity)

We welcome other candidate Board members.


Board members are expected to be active for the Association. They fulfill their role in collaboration and agreement with the other board members and the chairman. They have legal and moral obligations and responsibilities towards the Belgian Government, the Wikimedia Foundation, our members, and the general public.

Internal procedures


2018 activities


For 2018, we want to continue to grow as Wikimedia Belgium. We received sufficient funding to organise new activities. We want to use this opportunity to explicitly call for volunteers who would be interested in organising activities or projects, and can use financial and logical support by Wikimedia Belgium for this. So we strongly encourage you to show up to our General Assembly, whether you have an idea to organise or not!

Minutes of the General Assembly




As board members

  • Geert Van Pamel
  • Alberto Fernandez
  • Robin Pepermans (+ representation for Maarten)
  • Romaine

As effective members


As associate members


Board elections

  • Geert Van Pamel and Robin Pepermans are re-elected unanimously;
  • Lionel Scheepmans and .Anja. are elected as board members unanimously;
  • Geert Van Pame is also re-elected as the Chairman of the association unanimously.

Various topics
