BIZTAX is the web service of the Belgian Government to administer the tax declarations for VZW, and other organisations or enterprises.
You need to use it at least once a year to declare the taxes, even if they are null.
Login with eID
[edit]Go to
- You must be registered as a board member in KBO/BCE (official declaration of General Assembly)
- You need to login with your Belgian e-ID, and select "In the name of a company"
- Then select: "Indienen voor uw onderneming"
- So you need to have the Belgian nationality
- Do not login as a person, nor as a mandatory
If you select the wrong option, you get an error like:
U bent aangemeld als mandataris maar voor dit ondernemingsnummer bent u wettelijke vertegenwoordiger. Druk op de knop 'Afmelden' en gelieve u opnieuw aan te melden als wettelijke vertegenwoordiger.
[edit]Within 7 months after the end of the enterprise fiscal year. Typically in the month of July.
Tip: you better wait till July to administer your declaration:
- often the tax administration is not yet ready to allow entering your declaration (physical persons having priority - personenbelasting)
- and you need a stamped version of the jaaarrekening, validated by the Commercial Tribunal
- so you certainly need to wait till after the General Assembly
Start or review a tax declaration
[edit]- First login with e-ID
- Goto "Mijn aangiften"
- Fill in the Enterprise number: 0563.775.480 (when required)
- Enter the year of declaration (+1 of income year = book year)
- Select the type of enterprise: explicitly choose for RPB (rechtspersonen) via the pull-down menu (note: default value is "VenB")
- Click on "Search"
Then you get the option to create, review, or administer your declaration.
Open/create the year for which you would like to provide/access the documents.
It is possible that the administration already created a template declaration.
[edit]- Login
- Then by clicking on the header buttons, in sequence, one option at a time (no intermediate save/validation needed).
- Input: Header sections; check, complete, and update the required sections:
- Section Id (identification) - Review/update name, address, contact list; the bank account is not required, unless you get back money...
- Check the official address (should be automatic via the Kruispuntbank van Ondernemingen)
- Enter the responsible person and contact details (add administrative address; every year again)
- Section 276.5.A (income) - Add taxable items:
- Normally empty (unless you have something to declare)
- Section 276.5.B (jaarrekening) - Upload PDF attachments:
- Jaarrekening: yearly income/expense and balance sheet (for small VZW) - use the stamped version of the Commercial Tribunal
- Other important document(s) when required
- 274 APT-8 (only for SME with personnel)
- 274 APT-9 (large enterprises)
- Section Id (identification) - Review/update name, address, contact list; the bank account is not required, unless you get back money...
- Save the declaration (just in case the error check screws up)
- (mandatory) Check for errors (Start validation, then check the Error list, if any)
- Correct any errors, if required; adding an address is most complicated:
- Check if "administrative address type" was properly chosen
- (Simulate) calculate the (estimated) tax amount (important as a completeness verification!)
- PDF openenen; save the declaration document
- Sign the document (if it takes too long, click a second time... the webserver can give the impression it hangs...)
- Download the resulting documents (aangiftedocumenten)
- PDF van de aangifte
- Ontvangstbewijs
- Input: Header sections; check, complete, and update the required sections:
- Logoff
- Archive the downloaded electronic documents
List of mandatory attachments
[edit]- Jaarrekening (first register with the Ondernemingsrechtbank to have a stamped version)
- Other important document(s)
Data entry timing
[edit]Before the end of July for the preceding year of income. Period can possibly be extended by the administration.
Taxable year < Book year < General ledger < Bank transactions < Income and expenses < Balance sheet < Financial statements < General Assembly < Legal updates < Registration of Financial statements < Tax declaration < Tax calculation < Tax payment
Resulting documents
[edit]It is critical to archive those PDF documents on G-Suite for later reference and proof.
Document (example) | Description |
Jaarrekening.pdf | Balance sheet and income/expense declaration |
Ontvangstbewijs_21/09/2016.pdf | Receipt |
Bewijs_van_ondertekening_21/09/2016.pdf | Proof of signature (seems no longer be available) |
XBRL_van_de_aangifte_21/09/2016.xbrl | Binary XML version of the tax declaration (internal use for Tax services) |
PDF_van_de_aangifte_21/09/2016.pdf | Declaration (Human readable) |
[edit]Caveat: For late declarations you get a default penalty of (at least) 50 €. As a consequence the proof of tax disputes falls back to the enterprise.
[edit]- VSDC vzw Review, nr. 197, september-oktober 2021, p. 3
External links