Wiki Loves Heritage/2020/Report

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Wiki Loves Heritage uses the jury tool Montage to judge the photos to determine the winners of the photo contest.

Why do we organise the contest?


This is the third time we organise Wiki Loves Heritage, as an extension of the worldwide Wiki Loves Monuments that is organised since 2010.

It builds on Belgian Freedom of panorama in 2016, and the year of European Heritage in 2018.

The reason why we organise Wiki Loves Heritage is to:

  • conserve heritage and monuments on Wikimedia Commons
  • build an inventory on Wikidata and Structured data on Commons
  • use the images on Wikipedia

Some participants only contribute to Wikimedia Commons, others are participating in several Wikipedias or to Wikidata.

All participating photos

Evaluation of photo contest Wiki Loves Heritage 2020


We would like to thank all participants, the meemoo organisation, and the KBR, for their close collaboration and for their effort to make this contest a success.

There were 17 participants that uploaded 840 photos in total. We were with 5 jury members. This time every jury member evaluated all images.

We selected 10 winners in the third round. Six winners already won the previous years. 4 winners win for the first time. One participant wins with just contributing one single photo. One winner arrives in the third round with 25 winning photos. One winner contributed 260 photos. For each winner we only show the highest ranked photo.

Some participants only contribute to Wikimedia Commons, others are participating in several Wikipedias or to Wikidata.

The prize winners will be individually contacted for the delivery of the prize.

I want to thank the jury members Koen, Luc, Rony, and Sven for their effort in selecting the best images.



The winners of Wiki Loves Heritage 2020 in Belgium are:

Kasteel van Ooidonk

1. Kasteel van Ooidonk
Johan Allard

Johan Allard, registered in 2013 (only Commons), 9 winning photos

Very nice composition, and light distribution. Mirroring of the castle in the water. The image is well balanced, and invites the viewer to visit the building. Composition: the photographer thought the image through, guiding the viewer between the trees and the right tower towards the back of the picture with the tower reflected in the water. The image is smartly composed, the photographer made use of the light very well, with the darker part of the first tower in the front and the more bright tower in the back. This engages the viewer to take a deeper look at the image. Moreover, the topic is clear, the viewer knows what the picture means and sees the connection between the different parts (tower, ditch, trees). The different shades of blue and green make a nice combination with the soft red colour of the bricks and the soft mauve colour of the windows and doors. This colour palette enhances the calm atmosphere of the scene.

Previous prizes: Prize WLH 2018 (Brabantse trekpaarden in Galmaarden, Kasteel van Gaasbeek, Geraardsbergen - Nieuwenhove - Kapel dicht bij de kerk, Ninove - Denderwindeke - Molen Ter Zeven Wegen)

Abbaye de Villers

2. Abbaye de Villers

Herman.vandenbroeck, registered in 2018 (only Commons), 6 winning photos

Symmetrical, phountain in the middle of the picture. Clear overview of the picture, the photographer thought well about the composition and masters the necessary techniques. The picture is never too bright or too dark, despite the hard light caused by the summer sun. The composition helps the viewer to follow the picture from the front till the back.The eye of the viewer meets different layers: first the pond with the fountain, subsequently the well-maintained lawn with the flowers and ornamental plants, and finally the stone ruins of the abbaye with some trees in the background. The lines of the border of the pond guide the viewer towards the ruins which are the main subject of the photograph.

Previous prizes: 1st prize WLH 2018 (Oogstfeest De Pikkeling in Meldert)

Station Schaerbeek

3. Station Schaerbeek
Trougnouf (Benoit Brummer)

Trougnouf (Benoit Brummer), registered in 2016 (en, fr, nl, wikidata, Meta), 25 winning photos

The photographer seems to be specialised in wide train stations. The picture is architecturally well made. Lines of the building are straight, the building is in the middle of the picture and has enough, but not too much space. The symmetry of the building is echoed by the benches, the lampposts, the water jets of the fountain and the combination of the man on the bench and the taxi in the background. It is a simple picture of a nicely restored monumental building that was threatened by decay a couple of decades ago. The color palette enhances the calm atmosphere to the depicted scene. As if it is a lazy sunny Sunday afternoon...

Previous prizes: Prize WLH 2018 (Oude Zeedijkmolen in Veurne, Kasteel van Laarne, Onze-Lieve-Vrouwekerk van Pamele in Oudenaarde, Treinstation van Aalst), 3rd pize WLH 2019 (Cimetière militaire du Radan)

Monument de général Storms

4. Monument de général Storms

EmDee, registered in 2008 (fr, Commons, en, nl, es, de, Wikidata, it, pt, pl, sv, ca), 3 winning photos

Highlighting the contest about historical persons. The picture is selected especially because it sheds a light on the relationship between the historical statue and its recent and conflictual position. The red paint adds a layer to the picture. Émile Pierre Joseph Storms was a Belgian soldier, explorer, and official for the Congo Free State. The campaigns led by Storms and his men were not without violence. The municipality of Ixelles decided to have this bust removed from the street scene in 2020. Furthermore the picture is well composed.

Previous prizes: 4 and 8th prize Wiki Loves Public space 2017 (Queen Astrid Memorial Brussels, Botanical garden in Leuven)

Carnaval van Aalst

5. Carnaval van Aalst

Selcenc, newly registered in 2020 (only Commons), 3 winning photos

Has only taken photos from Carnaval. The photographer highlights intangible heritage, something that isn’t common between the other pictures (mostly monuments). The Aalst carnaval again provoked controversy in 2020, also in the heritage sector. This photo is technically well made. The position of the picture is dynamic and fits well with the subject. The visual power of the photograph lies in the contrasting combination of yellow and blue. The dynamics of the procession (and the image) are reinforced by the skewed composition. The gaze of the two dancers creates a connection between the carnaval participants, the photographer and, through his eyes, the viewer of the photography.

First time winner.

Volkskundemuseum Brugge

6. Volkskundemuseum Brugge
Rainer Halama

Rainer Halama, registered in 2012 (Commons, de, Wikidata, en), 12 winning photos

Contains a composition of domestic household appliances. The picture is well composed, sharp and bright, which is not always easy when it comes to interiors. It is often difficult to properly photograph movable heritage because it is usually displayed indoors, with lighting that is not always ideal for a photographer. The picture has a pleasant combination of daylight and artificial light. The composition creates a sense of depth and gives a clear overview of the interior.

First time winner.

Grave AfricaMuseum

7. Grave AfricaMuseum

Hispalois, registered in 2008 (es, Commons, en, Wikidata, fr, Meta), 2 winning photos

The picture shows the content of a grave. Also this photograph was made indoors, with lighting that is not ideal for a photographer. Here, however, the photographer uses the lighting to his / her advantage. The shadow play adds an extra dimension without making the image overly sinister. The content of the picture is original and sheds a light on archaeological heritage. Moreover, the composition is original, not straightforward, but with a dynamic angle. It feels like a lot of information is kept out of the picture frame. The photograph raises more questions than it answers. And that is exactly what every good photograph should do.

First time winner.

Nieuw Kasteel van Petegem

8. Nieuw Kasteel van Petegem
Paul Hermans

Paul Hermans, registered in 2003 (nl, Commons, en, fr, de, es, ca, it, Meta), 4 winning photos

A natural picture of a castle in its natural environment. Good composition, colors, lighting. It is a classic image, but well suited to be used as an illustration in Wikipedia.

Previous prizes: Prize WLH 2018 (3D print schedel Lamoraal van Egmont in het stadhuis van Zottegem, Besloten Hofje met Calvarie in Museum Hof van Busleyden, Christus op de koude steen in Sint-Jan Baptist ten Begijnhofkerk in Brussel), 5th prize WLH 2019 (Onze-Lieve-Vrouw-ter-Duinenkerk)

Ondergrondse begraafplaats van Laken

9. Ondergrondse begraafplaats van Laken
Dirk De Nil

Dirk De Nil, newly registered in 2020 (only Commons), 1 winning photo

An underground cemetery is unusual. The picture is somewhat enigmatic. It is a bright picture of an underground gallery. The technique is good: lines are straight. The composition is smart, with 3 vertical parts, from the left to the right: (mausoleum - corridor with burial niches - burial of Emile Bockstael). It leads the eye to the middle pane, where the suggestions of other corridors can be seen. The photographer succeeds in transferring a feeling, sentiment, and suggestion in the picture. The stains on the walls and floors show the unstoppable decay over time, in an environment that is paradoxically intended to keep the memory of the deceased persons alive.

First time winner.

Abbaye d'Orval

10. Abbaye d'Orval

Roosde, registered 2018 (Commons, en, nl), 1 winning photo, only 1 photo uploaded

A kind of picture in picture. The arch gives focus to the centre of the picture. It is a classic photography trick: a dark foreground that frames the actual subject of the photograph. The trick is not applied very subtly here, but still it works. The combination of the woman in the floral dress, the two small human figures in the background and the Madonna and child creates an enigmatic tension.

Previous prizes: First prize WLH 2018 (Garnaalvisser te paard)



We do have fewer contributions, but the quality is comparable to last year, and the usage grade is systematically raising. In 2018 the European year of heritage attracted more participants.

Year Images Used Percent Participants
2018 4348 1163 27% 141
2019 1056 321 30% 19
2020 840 329 39% 17
Round Selection technique Images Participants
Contest physical quality 840 17
1st round yes/no 835 14
2nd round score 1-5 243 12
3rd round ranking 66 10
Winners best image 10 10


  • Geert Van Pamel, Wikimedia Belgium
  • Sven De Kerpel
  • Koen Demarsin
  • Luc Viatour, photographe
  • Rony Vissers, meemoo, Vlaams Instituut voor het Archief

See also
