Preparation Budget/Grant 2016 S2

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WM BE/Budget 2016 S2
This is a 6 month grant application for the activities of the Wikimedia Belgium chapter. It includes the first steps in the goal of our association Engaging people in free knowledge .
targetWikimedia Belgium impacts wiki communities mainly in Dutch, French, German and English; and the communities of smaller Belgian dialects.
strategic priorityIncrease participation
start dateJuly 1st
start year2016
end dateDecember 30th
end year2016
budget (local currency)EUR
budget (USD)USD
grant typeGroup
non-profit statusYes



At the moment of creation of this grant request it is unclear if this request will be submitted a PEG grant PEG request Budget 2016 S2, or as a SAPG (simple annual program grant) m:Grants: APG, or not be presented at all. This grant covers the general chapter operating expenses and programmatic activities over the period of the fourth semester.

Goals and Objectives for 1st Semester 2016


Wikimedia Belgium was set up at the end of 2014.
This is a Grant application for the activities of the Wikimedia Belgium chapter in its 3rd semester, for 1st semester of 2016 (January-June).

The chapters goals are:

  • Part #1 - WMBE organisational development & WMBE board capacity building
WMBE needs to refocus : our primary focus is to recruit, develop and train a team of dependable volunteers to run (off-wiki) events and projects. This goal is more problematic than recruiting membership, many wikinauts give a lot of their time behind a computerscreen. Getting then out and about doing off-wiki projects is a big hurdle to take, even the more motivated members of our association cannot join us on every occasion during our off-wiki activities and are reluctant to actively involve / engage themselves in new projects. This is partly due to their natural reluctance against initiative outside the on-line environment but also to act in the public eye (like giving presentations or assist others during an hands-on workshop).
  • Part #2 - outreach efforts and community building ;
We need to rebuild a new community of Belgian Wikinauts : Belgium geographically being astride across 4 major Wikiproject languages (FR NL DE and EN) editors have suffered from problematic situations on all of those Wikiprojects. Belgians use their cultural languages with a heavy and marked influence by their local dialects, much to the dismay of the core native speaker (especially in FR and NL wiki), and Belgians tend to look differently to what is considered "promotional" or what is NPOV; this has resulted in edit wars, verbal violence, bullying and harassment, and feelings of discrimination. Many new contributors have given up desillusioned shortly after joining and some experienced editors have abandonned Wiki altogether totally disgusted. Belgian editors therefore are reluctant to join our association and new potential users shy away from contributing. Moreover on-wiki (especially in the NL and FR wikipedia, the chapter is considered the embodyment of "cabal". WMBE needs to overcome this problem in order to be able to act against its root causes and wants to reunite existing and future contributors, this also requires us to tackle the gender issues in the Wikicommunity.
  • Part #3 - the projects





Part #1 WMBE organisational development & capacity building

On-wiki and off-wiki volunteers
recruitment and training
    • On line Volunteer recruitment
    • Volunteer training, mentorship, presentation techniques and workshop facilitation
    • Preparation of a Wikipedia train-the-trainer course for Off-wiki Volunteers, and
    • Activities within the m:Community Capacity Development and m:Volunteer Supporters Network activities as proposed by the WMF
Organisation of the board, meetings with volunteers, partners and stakeholders
  • - Office/Meeting space : Free space is an illusion (in Brussels)
Currently we share office space with Dimi (OKF & Wikimedia Germany), result we have no office cost, basically it provides the official address of the chapter, however the office space provides no reception area, work- or meetingspace . Because of the lack meeting space facilities, we cannot have meetings or public events at the office, and we've had to pay for event and meeting space. The board has that MORE face to face meetings for the board and project volunteers are necessary, electronic means do not suffice to make things work.
So the board has decided to establish an agenda of public facing events combined with the board and volunteer meetings. We will have to pay for spaces to rent, if we can get free space we will make use of free facilities. (see - WikiSaturdays / WikiMeets)
Communications to community and general public
  • WMBE e-Newsletter
is a running matter in 2015 we had 5 mailings we will attempt to have 10 a year (july august being holiday periods where there are little or no announcments)
  • WM BE website,
the www.wikimedia belgium website has been up and running since q3 2015 and has been improving : running cost + updates and maintenance
WM NL has been running a number of websites on our behalf
these Mediawikisites had a backlog of updates and will need some content updates as tghe projects develop : WLA has a budget in th project grant, WLM during the coming months. however now that WMBE has been incorporated, it becomes time that WMBE assumes the cost for these websites. WMNL can support us but we will investifate how we will assume our own responsibility for these websites and manage them.

Part #2 - outreach efforts and community building

Wikipedia 15th aniversary theme ( see comments)
"Wikimeets", Edit-a-thons, Wiki-cafés or Wiki-Saturday events
  • We aim to organise ( 10 times per year) approx once a month a public event day called a Wikimeet or WikiSaturday (inspired by the "WikiZaterdag" at WMNL)
    • components of these gatherings :
- in the afternoon (from 13-18 ) we will have an "open" event, for the general public, current editors, newbees, and other interested people. The format of such an event would be (guided) visit to a museum, a city, an archive, a library ... followed by a a "Wikicafe" (edit-a-thon, walk-in open workshop) meeting in a public place.
-Outreach : invite teachers, youth associations, other cultural/local associations to participate in the event ; offer collaboration
-Editathon : let the public get acquainted with the Wikiprojects, upload pictures, write/improve articles
-Volunteer training : train volunteers to organise an event, help new contributors
- Organise these wikimeets in different cities around the country : due to the complex language situation we need to address the fact that activities only happen in Brussels or locations seem favour a single community.
- Boardmeetings and projectmeetings/ volunteer training will be planned in the morning (10-12) while the public event is planned in the afternoon)
- The WM BE Project Day to foster new projects will be incorporated in the "Wikimeets" or Wiki-Saturday events
- to engage our community with potential GLAM's and institutions
- establish relations of trust with GLAM's to work with the Wikiprojects
Getting in touch with our community and determining their needs
    • Preparation and planning of multi-lingual Community ON-WIKI survey to be held 2016-2017 in the FR NL DE EN + smaller wiki projects
    • Preparation and planning of NL OFF-WIKI mail survey among regular & evening schools, women's, cultural and educational organisations, professional associations, etc about collaboration interest for Wikimedia.

Part #3 - the projects

Wikiducation Belgium
    • Launch of Wikiducation Belgium Pilot(s)
      • - VIVES College in Kortrijk together with Benedicht Wydooghe
      • - THOMAS MORE College in Turnhout, Antwerp and Mechelen with different lecturer
    • Introductory presentations to the college lecturere, (other) staff and students
    • Campusvolunteer workshops (formation of volunteers)
    • monthly wiki cafés on site for all involved in the pilots and other interested people

Planned Conference Attendance
    • WM related conferences : none
    • Regular meetings with WM NL, and meetings with FR and DE on hold.
    • Similar minded conferences (see Agenda)





Target public


Belgium is a multilingual community best compared to Canada and South Afrika. Like Canada there is no such thing like a "Belgian language" the official languages are Dutch, French, German (de iure) and de facto English, so Belgian wiki contributors work in the Dutch, French, German and English wikiprojects. Like South Afrika, Belgium has a larger number of languages and therefore Wikimedia Belgium impacts in total 6 other Wiki language communities of smaller Belgian regional languages.

More specifically, WM BE wants to reach out to

  • the existing Wikiproject volunteers, contributors, illustrators
  • GLAM organisations, GLAM institutions and GLAM-support organisations
  • Education institutions
  • existing open knowledge organisations in Belgium ('Communication efforts')
  • off-wiki volunteers (to strengthen the Micro Grant Program).

However this particular situation has an impact on our expences. Printing is still a matter of diminishig cost as the number of copies rises, however we need to produce each brochure, leaflet or folder in 4 different languages, which quadruples the cost of any printed brochure produced. Luckily we don't need to produce printed matter for the dialects, the 4 base languages are enough. We notice that our public relies heavily on printed folders, brochures, and leaflets. When we present ourselves, that printed material is really in demand even from digital natives.

Fit with strategy

WMBE Effort Fits with Goal(s) How respond Intended outcome
Part #1 - outreach efforts and community building Increasing participation increase the number of editors
both High impact:
- improve editor diversity,
- onboarding and educating new editors with a plan for follow-up and mentorship (e.g. workshop and edit-a-thon series)
Lower impact potential
- recruiting new contributors limited participation
- without explicit follow-up
Mind the gender gap edit-a-thons, Vormingplus intro-workshop, wikicafes
Part #2 - the projects Encourage Innovation onboarding and educating lecturers (secondary teachers and college lecturers) to use the Education extension facilities,
associated Wikimetrics, with a plan to recruit wikicontributors through the formal education system institutions, follow-up and mentorship (e.g. workshop and edit-a-thon series)
Wikiducation pilot, presentations, workshops, wikicafes
Increasing participation increase the number of editors
High impact:
- improve editor diversity,
- onboarding and educating new editors with a plan for follow-up and mentorship (e.g. workshop and edit-a-thon series) through the Wikiducation program
Moderator workshops education and certification program for current moderators to increase friendly environment for newcomers, friendly space policy and mentoring newbees otherwise there is no need to even start thinking about recruiting new contributors or a education program
Increasing quality increase the amount of high-quality content
Photo events ( high quality submissions) with associated edit-a-thons focused on integrating media on wiki projects
Mind the gender gap
Part #3 - WMBE organisational development & capacity building Expand public awareness and support for the Wikimedia movement. Spread information about Wikimedia’s mission, vision, values and practices. Help people better understand our work, and motivate them to help us do it.
Grow the number of Wikimedia donors, to ensure steady, robust support.
Increase capacity to safeguard the movement's reputation and support the advancement of legal conditions that enable unimpeded access to information online, worldwide.
GLAM information and education sessions (planned as part of Wiki Loves Art )

Measures of success

WM BE working on our communication with the media
Outreach efforts to our community (Part #1)

Projects (Part #2)
Capacity building of the board (Part #3)
  • 5 succesful wikisatuyrday/ wikimeet events
  • Increase the level of involvement of 1 boardmembers
  • recruitment and education of x of new off-wiki volunteers

Resources and risks




The grant request is supported by the Wikimedia Belgium board.

Project Volunteers

Project Volunteers Art+Feminism organisers :

And members

and +/- 40 other on our memberlist


Risk Impact on Mitigating measures
A lack of experience in the first years of our organisation Organisation "Capacity building": trainings for the board and our volunteers
Different expectations between the board members and volunteers Organisation Conflict Resolution, including mediation efforts. ""face to face"" board meetings"
Peer review of budget and financial activities Budget, Projects Avoid single person projects, always a reviewer. Following good accounting principles"
Lack of procedures, and resistance against procedureal approach Organisation Apply procedures as imposed by BE-authorities, WMF. Organise trainings.
Troll attack on our activities (eg. On our budget requests) Organisation, WMF contacts
Lack of external funding Budget, WMF contacts Request contributions in kind from our partners. Request support from surrounding chapters. As we get more established in the collaboration with our GLAM partners we can discuss more openly their resource commitments, and funding through their grant/subsidy channels"
Difficulties finding volunteers Organisation, Projects Increase membership, good communication with our members. Organise events and trainings.
Staffing problems : experience, commitment, volunteer burn out; Organisation, Projects WMF Capacity Building programme. Volunteer trainings
Unwelcomming attitude for new users at wikipedia Organisation, Projects
Lack of good meeting venue. No clear view on offices in Belgium Budget, WMF contacts Discuss plans with WMF and other chapters with office in Belgium. Find good meeting venue.



Please provide a detailed breakdown of project expenses according to the instructions here. See Budget Guidelines. Grantees are subject to line-item scrutiny of expenses. Changes to the approved budget beyond 10% in any category must be approved in advance.

- Websites : Until 2016 a number of .BE websites were provided by WMNL ...

Project budget table

Description Cost Notes
Running general and administrative costs € 0,00
Website maintenance, hosting costs, email hosting € 720,00 :External hosting (80€). Drupal updates (free). Content design and implementation of agenda/newsletter/... tools (2d work=16h=640e à 40e/h). Free email hosting (Google for non-profits). - Cu

rrently 3 websites have been hosted and paid for by WMNL WMBE wil gradually take over responsibility of these websites and assume the expenses associated with these websites - - - - - -

Communication (postal mail, telephone) € 215,00 Reimbursement for phone calls (50e). International post (24e, estimated 3x). Postal costs to our members (60p)
General Administrative expences € 400,00 Including support with accounting (250e) and updates of Staatsblad (assuming 1 update: 150e)
Advertising on social media € 0,00 Promotion of our Twitter account (budget of 30€ pm).

Free Promotion via Google AdWords

Programmatic activities € 0,00
Organisation of 5 Wiki Saturdays € 1.053,00 10 events planned per year, 5 this budget. Rent of venue, drinks and small snacks, transport cost
Organisation of 6 Wiki-education pilots € 510,00 6x. Transport costs. Printing costs (cheap option)
Wikimedia presence at several opensource conferences in Belgium € 0,00 Conference fee, accomodation, travel costs.
WM BE Training Day: for board members and for volunteers € 0,00 Required to get more volunteers and board members.
Attendance at meetings of Dutch, French and German WM € 0,00 transportation costs (Paris, Utrecht, Berlin) and accomodations (Berlin, Paris).
Total grant request (excl. VAT and reserve) € 0,00
Contingency (10%) € 0,70
VAT (21%) € 0,82
Total grant request (incl. VAT and reserve) € 0,52

These links provide an insight in the second semester budget and its report

These links provide an insight in the second semester budget and its report

These links provide an insight in the first semester budget and its report



see Talk:Preparation Budget/Grant 2016 S1

Community notification


You are responsible for notifying relevant communities of your proposal, so that they can help you! Depending on your project, notification may be most appropriate on a village pump, talkpage, mailing list. Please paste a link below to where the relevant communities have been notified of this proposal, and to any other relevant community discussions. Need notification tips?



The grant request is supported by the Wikimedia Belgium board.