Wikiducation Belgien

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Translation requests Wikiducation Belgien

Auf dieser Seite finden Sie Informationen über dass Wikiducation project durch Wikimedia Belgien, Falls Sie per E-Mail über diese Proejct informiert werden möchten, schicken Sie dann eine E-Mail an

Attention ! The Wikiducation.BE project will be run the first year a Sideproject to Wiki Loves Art 2016.

Wikimedia Education Project
Wikimedia Education Project



Wikiducation.BE is aimed at

  • professional educators : schools, universities, teachers, lecturers, students, and adult education organizations
  • individuals and small informal groups of  : existing or potential wiki-contributors, illustrators, photographers and associations that have an interest in getting to know / getting to grips with the wiki projects .
  • Volunteer Personal Development Initiative(VPDI) for off-wiki volunteers

see also Wikiducation Belgium/Approach



Wikiducation.BE objectives are :

  • raise awareness
    • about the Wikipedia and the Wikiprojects in general
    • about correct use, usefullness and pitfalls of wikipedia in education
    • in the educational sector about the Wikipedia professional education platform has to offer
  • provide and support the use of Wikipedia professional education platform for educators to work with, using Wikipedia as an educational tool and educational environment
  • dissipate anti-wikipedia bias in education sector
  • provide support for educators to use Wikipedia as an educational environment
  • provide support for students to use Wikipedia correctly as a learning tool
  • recruit new wiki(pedia)contributors : editors to write articles, illustrators to illustrate articles, translators correctors
  • recruit photographers to make pictures for the contest
  • set up a mentorship program by existing wikipedians for the newbees before they get bashed in the "wicked world of wikipedia"

Project plan und Actionen


Education projects on wikipedias


Project Freiwilligen


Geben sie ihre nahme hier unter waan sie teilnehmen wollen wie Project Freiwilligen

  1. --DerekvG (talk) 11:55, 22 May 2015 (UTC)[Beantworten]
  2. Romaine (talk) 02:07, 5 June 2015 (UTC)[Beantworten]
  3. Lionel Scheepmans Contact French native speaker, désolé pour ma dysorthographie 20:40, 21 November 2015 (UTC)[Beantworten]