Wikiducation Belgium/Project plan

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Project plan and activities


Project plan

  • Preparation for small workshops given by off-wiki volunteer (edit-a-thons, small volunteer session, wiki cafés or wiki clinics)
    • development of materials
      • concept of small lecture modules and workshops
        • development of presentations and
        • development of handhouts (see education pilot)
        • definition lec/ws facilities : room / public / facilities / equipment
          • computers,
          • projection,
          • PA
          • Connectivity (lanparty room ( 1 or more wifi AP) connected to net)
          • Attendee equipemnt requirement / BYOD ( laptop/tablet ))
      • development of hands-on sessions
  • Education pilot
    • outreach education

project actions

Action description execution status status date
1. list of schools Compose al list of flemish secondary schools with email adresses DVG done 19/03/2015
2. Contact max 6 pilots Contact teachers willing to participate in a pilot starting sept/okt 2015 DVG
VIVES Kortijk DVG Toegezegd 28/05/2015
Thomas More DVG uneder evaluation 25/08/2015
3. prepare letter Create a contact letter nl and brochure to schools announcing the program DVG + TBD 19/03/2015
4. Vertaling brochures uit engels naar NL Welcome to Wikipedia DVG Ready 01/07/2015
Editing Wikipedia DVG Ready 01/07/2015
Illustrating Wikipedia &nsbsp; TBD &nsbsp;
Evaluating Wikipedia &nsbsp; TBD &nsbsp;
Education Instructor Basics DVG Ready 01/07/2015
Education Essentials DVG Ready 01/07/2015
How professors are teaching Wikipedia DVG Ready 01/07/2015
12 week Sample syllabus &nsbsp; TBD &nsbsp;
HS - Overleg paginas DVG Ready 01/07/2015
HS - Bronnen en referenties DVG Ready 01/07/2015
HS - Artikelen kiezen DVG Ready 01/07/2015
HS - kladblok DVG Ready 01/07/2015
HS - plagiaat DVG Ready 27/09/2015
HS - wist je dat DVG Ready 01/07/2015
HS - Wikiducation DVG Ready 27/09/2015
HS - images &nsbsp; TBD &nsbsp;
HS - hulp is onderweg DVG Ready 29/10/2015;
CS - Spiekbriefje -- Ready 01/07/2015
6 Presentaties in nederlands DVG Ready 21/11/2015
5. bijkomende brochures maken Example Example Example Example
# prepare collab offer Create a prepare collaboration programs for schools : DVG + TBD 20/03/2015
&nsbsp; what setup is required/ expected - and who can deliver it &nsbsp; &nsbsp; &nsbsp;
&nsbsp; content of program / target audience / size audience - space &nsbsp; &nsbsp; &nsbsp;
&nsbsp; coverage of expences &nsbsp; &nsbsp; &nsbsp;
&nsbsp; convenent : dates and agreement &nsbsp; &nsbsp; &nsbsp;
&nsbsp; Example &nsbsp; &nsbsp; &nsbsp;
Example Example Example Example Example
Example Example Example Example Example
Example Example Example Example Example
Example Example Example Example Example
Example Example Example Example Example