2016-07-06 Extraordinary General Assembly

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Wikimedia Belgium calls for an Extraordinary General Assembly (GA)

  • Date: Wednesday 6 July 2016
  • Time: 18:00
  • Venue:
WTC Tower 1 - 25th floor (Office "Constant")
Boulevard Albert II / Koning Albert II-laan 30
B-1210 Brussels

Formal Agenda


The Extraordinary General Assembly needs to vote on the following subjects:

  1. Resignation of Derek as Board member
  2. Dismiss of Derek as member
  3. Financial audit by the Board of the past financial statements.

Only Effective members are allowed to vote. Effective members can choose to grant their proxy vote to a another member (one proxy per participating member). Please notify the Board at the latest 1 day in advance in writing (e-mail is sufficient).



Minutes of meeting


Administration of the meeting:

  • Are there new effective members? -> No
  • Appointment of the Chair of the meeting? Geert
  • Appointment of the Voting registrar? Dimi and Romaine
  • Number of effective members present: 8
  • Number of valid Proxies (maximum 1 proxy per effective member): 1

One vote per (re)present(ed) member

Total represented = 9

⅔ = 6


(Effective) member = Voting member
Associate member = non-voting member

Introduction by Geert: History, context, and facts

Please find here more info (in brief; more details were disclosed during the meeting) -

  1. The board has been notified by the Foundation about repeated complaints of inappropriate conduct against women
  2. Inappropriate e-mails to the Foundation committees without first informing/discussing with the Belgian Board
  3. Inappropriate financial transactions
  4. Unfriendly reactions online and offline against/about other volunteers

Derek was not present at the Extraordinary General assembly due to medical reasons.

Conclusions of the voting:

  1. Derek is definitively dismissed as a board member
  2. Derek is dismissed as an effective member, can apply again within 1 year
  3. Derek is still an associated member
  4. The financial audit has been approved

The meeting finished at 19:00.