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Wiki Loves Heritage/2018/Report

From Wikimedia Belgium

For judging the photos to determine the winners by the Belgian jury in the photo contest Wiki Loves Heritage 2018, we used the jury tool Montage.

Evaluation of photo contest Wiki Loves Heritage 2018


The prize winning photos all combine Heritage with water… just by coincidence. Every time in another context and composition. Colors, light, and symmetry have won. All of them have history as the most important feature. The best have won?

The Wiki Loves Heritage 2018 contest was a real success.

  • You all have uploaded 4348 photos in total.
  • 3612 photos were eligible for the prize contest, and were validated by a team of 5 jury members.
  • 1113 photos arrived in the second round.
  • 11 photos were accepted into the finale.

The great majority of the photos had a high quality, and were on-topic. We had to exclude some very nice photos that only showed nature as such, not directly (visibly) related to heritage, and thus were off-topic.

I can feel the tension in the room. I will uncover some mystery now...

This year we have 4 new users amongst the winners. They created their user account only in August and October. One winning user has only uploaded one single photo. Others uploaded 2, 3, and 23 photos. These users are only active on Wikimedia Commons.

One other winner has won for the last 3 consecutive years… and uploaded already thousands of images, and is also a regular contributor to Wikipedia...

We would like to thank all participants, the PACKED organisation, and Romaine for their close collaboration and for their effort to make this contest a success. Romaine could not attend this meeting for personal reasons.

I also want to thank the jury members: Anne, Charlotte, Geert, Gérard, and Lionel.



The winners of Wiki Loves Heritage 2018 in Belgium are:

1 - Garnaalvisser te paard

Garnaalvisser te paard

New user just on commons since 18 october 2018. 2 photos uploaded.

Nice combination of man, horse, nature, see, and economy. Excellent colors and symmetry.

Netteté de l’image, belle captation du mouvement, lumière et cadrage maîtrisés.

Beau mélange des couleurs, plusieurs mouvements capturés en image, pratique de la pêche à la crevette emblématique.

2 - Pier Blankenberge

Pier Blankenberge
Sandra Rots

New user since 16 october 2018. 23 photos mainly in Gent.

Excellent composition, colors, and lighting. Good symmetry.

Belle composition - jeux avec les reflets et les lumières. Les lignes de force du bâtiment accentuent la dynamique de l’image.

Couleurs et composition maîtrisées, belle perspective, impression de force.

3 - The Spirit of Europe from Belgium

The Spirit of Europe from Belgium
Melinda Szabo

New user since 31 aug 2018. 3 photos uploaded.

Colors, lighting, composition.

Intéressant point de vue documentaire. Cadrage pertinent car il permet de capter les différents éléments clefs de ce lieu.

Très belle photo qui semble raconter une histoire, belle sinuosités qui accompagnent la le cheminement du regard et la perspective, beaux contrastes. Ciel magnifique. Merci la liberté de panorama qui permet de prendre l’Atomium en photo !

4 - Koninklijk Museum voor Midden-Afrika in Tervuren

Koninklijk Museum voor Midden-Afrika in Tervuren
Sally V

User since 5 sep 2016. Thousands of images and is also an editor on wp.nl. In 2016 she won with the 1st prize with her first upload - she was in 2017 also prize winner. Next year again!?

The new Africa Museum in Brussels. Nice colors and viewpoint. Very symmetric both horizontal and vertical. Good lighting. The object is currently in the news.

Parfaite symétrie de cette photographie. Bon cadrage, pas d’éléments perturbateurs dans l’image. Le jeux de reflet parfaitement maîtrisé donne une esthétique supplémentaire à une image qui pourrait être uniquement documentaire.

Photo avec un très bon potentiel encyclopédique, très neutre : bâtiment entier et bien cadré, symétrie respectée.

5 - Arcades du Cinquantenaire, Bruxelles

Arcades du Cinquantenaire, Bruxelles
Dalyla S

User since 25 october 2018. Uploaded 1 single photo.

Nice black and white image. Excellent symmetry. The origin of Belgium with a view on major Federal museums.

Bon choix de cadrage et de lieu de prise de vue. Il permet de voir l’arc du Cinquantenaire, le haut des arcades ainsi que le Musée royal de l’Armée et de l’histoire militaire et l’Autoworld. Le noir et blanc est un choix difficile dans la photographie documentaire mais il s’y prête dans ce cas-ci.

Encore une impression de force qui se dégage de cette image accentuée par l’utilisation du noir et blanc, belle mise en valeur des lieux culturels emblématiques.





National jury: Anne, Charlotte, Geert, Gérald, Lionel

Vlaanderen jury: Geert, Hans, Ingrid, Ronny, Steven

Oost-Vlaanderen jury: Geert, Martine, Michiel, Nele, Peter

See also
