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2016-04-30 Board meeting

From Wikimedia Belgium
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Logo Wikimedia Belgium
Saturday 30/04/2016 14:00-17:00 WMBE - Troonstraat 51, Brussel
Present: Romaine, Robin, Geertivp, Derek (via Hangout)
Excused: Alberto, Loraine (Loraine gave proxy to Geertivp)

Approve previous Board meeting


See 2016-02-20 Board meeting

  • Minutes of all past board meetings are approved
  • Robin gives admin rights to Geertivp so he can archive (protect) previous minutes

Board meetings: Plan all board meetings for the rest of the year?

  • Proposal: each first Saturday of the month as principle; and at each board meeting fix the date for the next one (either confirm the Saturday or pick another date)
  • Geertivp will send doodle for next board meeting 28/5 or 4/6 to review budgets.

Budget - Finances - Grants


Budget S1 status


The first semester grant budget overspending request was not accepted by WMF. Impact? Derek’s participation to Wikimania would not be possible.

Impact on Wikimania Italy. Budget status and impact. Plans to amend? Reporting.

Budget S2 status

  • Budget S2 preparation: delayed to next board meeting.

New type of grants


New types of grants: (new) Rapid Project grant. Budgets for Rapid Project grants (templates).

Compatibility / inventory matrix of grants:

  • APG is for big chapters only
  • Simple APG for small chapters and user groups.
  • We believe we need to apply for a Simple APG Grant as of 2017.
  • APG chapters need a Strategic plan; for a simple APG we would need a simplified strategic plan.
  • A Rapid Project grant could be used for small, ad hoc projects (which could) not (be) planned for in Simple APG.

Is there any training material available on how to setup and manage grants? An overview of all grant types, their dependencies and incompatibilities should be available from the Meta site anyway? Anyone to document / follow-up?

Good news (from Berlin WMCON) - WMF confirmed it will apply comparable general project /budget rules for its own budgets/projects.

WMF-WMBE relationship


Plan in advance. (better) Follow-up of budgets. How to improve?

Prove good execution of projects. Being a rebellion does not help. No fighting with WMF -> How to better collaborate? “Boter bij de vis” = better (WMBE/WMF) reporting. Reporting immediately linked with running budget. Be realistic - it is not OK to plan for Activities that cannot be executed due to limitations in availability of volunteers, other organisations and partners, timing, etc.

New WMF Grants management team:

Person Role
Alex Wang Team head (?) of Grants dept.
Liam Wyatt APG
Winifred Simple APG Grants.
Kacie Harold Small project grant.
Other grants
  • PEG = Project & Event Grants like WLM WLA
  • TPS & Scholarship: Not for Board members?
  • IEG; Individual Engagement Grant still exists.

External engagements


Take care for engagements with other parties. External parties and external funds are important to more easily get WMF grants. Other funding:

  • Membership fees.
  • Better is sponsoring in kind, e.g. use of meeting/event room.

Federal tax exemption requires previous subsidies


Subsidies is a prerequisite for Federal Tax Exemption. We should have this year at least one regional/national subsidy.

Koning Boudewijnstichting? -> Review possibilities. Maarten could help here.

Argenta bank account


Proxy for Geert. Derek and Geert to contact the bank and sign proxy statement.

Expense claim document


Expense claim document standard templates? Derek will publish a link to the template document.

Simple / easy / auditable. Would help for  reporting.

ZIP file containing all documents for one expense claim. Excel -> PDF overview document. Electronic invoices / tickets / bank account statements. PDF scan of other tickets.

Date (in sequence -> easy verification) - One format. Clear Description. Amount (+/-) or advance Remarks /status / details

Election of Foundation Affiliate Board members


What is it?

The Chapters have to rank candidates for Foundation Affiliate Board members.

Criteria: experience, reliable, initiative, chapter & volunteer oriented, mature, “WFM board hardened”, need to be proficient in EN.

The board agreed on the ranking of candidates. The final vote was registered by online voting by Dgiroulle on 17:30, 30 April 2016‎.

Project Status


Web servers upgrade: done? Still on old version 1.17. Derek will contact Sindy to verify why upgrade was not yet completed. New DB to be created for WLA. Derek en Robin + Smile4ever will coordinate.

WWW web site - layout + content needs to be amended. Need to change CSS style files. We should have access? Maarten can advise about Drupal.

  • WLA: Contacts with musea to be establised.
  • WLM: Project proposal to be created.

Useful link: https://inventaris.onroerenderfgoed.be

WLM LinkedIn, Wikiducation

Training, WikiSaturdays, good idea?



Press contacts and process


Contact lists of press. Journalist contact details. Press release process.

Derek can provide a template.

Usage of Google Drive


Collaboration requires a single platform why not Google? Romaine?

Google calendar usage. Google docs. All contacts in Google drive. Google shared data (member lists).

Status business cards


Business cards status: will be ready in May

Feedback on activities


Brussels writing week

Brussels Writing week 2016

Sven & Schrijfweek Brussel; 300 new articles; 70 participants

Can't we use this is high-impact activity for S1 ? Lots of Twitter messages; statistics on web servers.

Training VUB. We could plan for activities @VUB. We could use the venue and auditoria at VUB.

Newsletter and communication


Newsletter sent/format, process. Translation volunteers required How to better organise?

WMBE LinkedIn, WikiMedia User group LinkedIn, LinkedIn, Facebook?

Training Online communication


Training Online communication Utrecht feedback

Any other Board training?

Other Project ideas

  • Gastronomy: Bier, kaas, regionale specialiteiten - writing week?
  • Wikidata: Wikidata mass upload special library inventory.
  • Wikimedian in residence? Paid job.

FR projects:

  • WikiConvention francophone du 19 au 21 août à Paris; Derek would like to go.
  • Wallonia?
  • Senegal
  • Wikipedia in schools

Other projects with other countries.



Visual editor for NL Wikipedia


Visual editor NL DE proposes to activate like in EN and many other languages. Ongoing discussion amongxt NL community. They are busy writing a list of bugs and unresolved problems/artifacts. How to do it? Convincing / dynamic switch between visual / tag editor Romaine?

Wiki Loves Earth


WMAT organised Wiki Loves Earth instead of WLM because they photographed already all the monuments in Austria.

Wiki Loves Earth (Too abstract?)
Wiki Loves Nature (better name?)



Document/letter to politicians about Digital rights, Open data, and FoP. Proposal written by Dimi.

OKFN - Open Belgium report: Maarten & Derek to write report.

WMBE and OKFN how to work together. Revenue and Board membership - potential issue. Common conference to organize in 2017? Meeting first with Derek, Geert, Romaine, Dimi to agree on how to further collaborate.

Wikimedia Foundation and organisation


Feedback WMCON 2016 Berlin

Toegangsdeur WMCON 2016 Berlin

Program: meta:Wikimedia_Conference_2016/Schedule

Review Berlin: see meta:Wikimedia_Conference_2016/Schedule and https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/wmcon16-xx

Berlin meeting feedback on meta.



Planning Wikimania 2016 Italy

Wikimania 2017 Montreal; Robin, Derek & Romaine would like to go.

Free babbel


What did you do for WM last quarter?

"Board" gmail to accept e-mail from external domains? Or at least from selected domains… but a lot of spam messages arrive at wikimedia.be. Administration rights with 2 persons.

Spam filter: mark @wikimedia.be sender as reliable (but this can induce spam)

Could we use a Wikimedia Account: e.g. Geert Van Pamel (WMBE) - for more official public / chapter oriented purposes?


Upload commons big upload button? Geertivp started with first video. Video does not play on smartphone?