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Wikidata training 2017

From Wikimedia Belgium

Wikidata Belgium 2017 is a training on Wikidata organized by Wikimedia Belgium.



Wikidata is a project of the Wikimedia Foundation: a free, collaborative, multilingual, secondary database, collecting structured data to provide support for Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons, the other Wikimedia projects, and well beyond that. Wikidata contains public data which serves a variety of applications. Primarily, Wikidata is the linked structured database for Wikipedia and its sister projects. However, due to the open license and its APIs, use cases extent to a variety of applications. We plan to organise a series of Wikidata tutorials, to showcase its application. By example participants are guided through (1) adding data - either manually or by batch loading, and (2) querying the content through Wikidata's SPARQL endpoint (http://query.wikidata.org), (3) analysing Wikidata content with analysis and visualisation platforms such as R.

Previous activities:

Tentative outline

  1. What are the legal constraints in getting data into Wikidata?
  2. How to enter data into Wikidata?
  3. How to capture provenance/referencing to the original source?
  4. How is Wikidata to be used?

Possible topics may include queries, front ends, applications. Other topics may be covered, depending on audience wishes.



Participants should have a Wikipedia account, and a basic familiarity with Wikipedia editing. You also need to bring your own laptop/device.


  • To be announced




  • No official partners yet.




  • February 2017: preparations project (planning, team, budget,
  • March 2017: grant proposal submitted to WM BE
  • March 2017 - April 2017: tutorial


  • No information available yet

Announcements and notices

  • No announcements yet