Invitation to the public domain month in 2018
In May 2018, we organise with our partners a public domain month in which we pay extra attention to works that became public domain on 1 January 2018. In Belgium, new works enter the public domain seventy years after the death of their author. The Wikipedia community is organizing a public domain day about the annual expiration of copyright protection in various countries. It aims to shed a light on the impact of those restrictions on our access to cultural heritage. In Belgium, this public domain day will be extended to a public domain month, taking place in May 2018. The organizing partners are Constant vzw, the Royal Library of Belgium (KBR), the Cinquantenaire Museum (KMKG), Muntpunt, Rosa vzw, Cinema Nova, Plus-tôt Te Laat and PACKED vzw. Among Belgian names, architect Victor Horta is the most famous artist whose works entered the public domain in 2018. Writer Felix Timmermans or painter Gustave Van de Woestyne are also among those names. During the month of May, together with a group of partners, we will therefore organize several initiatives to raise awareness among both heritage workers and the general public in order to create a larger basis for open cultural data. On May 26, the actual public domain day event will take place and focuses on raising awareness of the general public. The Muntpunt library will host the main lectures and workshops, and will also be the starting point of the Horta tours. For the occasion, the Royal Library of Belgium, Rosa vzw and Constant vzw will also organize pop-up exhibitions. Later in the evening, the Cinema Nova will finally show a special screening dedicated to the German film-maker Ernst Lubitsch. Program related to Wikimedia[edit]
Full program[edit]
See also[edit]
Part of the text of this page is a translation from the website of PACKED vzw, available under the licence Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike. |