Project brainstorming 2016

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Meeting date: 2016-07-02 Project management meeting

This is the (grouped) view of yellow post-its gathered during the WMBE office meeting.


  • WMFR & WMNL collaboration
  • Use other chapter's examples & support
  • More contact and interaction with the Wallonia community needed
  • We do not have enough Belgian partners
  • Search & Activate new & existing partners
  • We have an office shared by likeminded organisations - let us take advantage of this
  • Different profiles / different networks - diversity


  • We do not communicate enough between us (board)
  • Improve the communication within the board
  • We have means of communication; how to use them better
  • We have many (?) members and board members
  • Unclear ownership/alignment of Twitter/Facebook/Websites/email
  • Active communication strategy - more visibility: images, news, selected article
  • Communication to people outside of the WP/WM community
  • We didn't communicate enough/frequently with the outside world
  • Press contacts. Video/TV/Own publications (possibly via Commons?)
  • A sharper and more clear communication about what we do & what we want to do
  • Communication internally/externally


  • Food during meetings
  • Difficult to find (adapted) venue for meetings
    1. of board meetings for WMBE
  • Improve the atmosphere of the events (welcome, food)
  • We could use university infrastructure (for free?)


  • We need more active members
  • Not enough support from people who want to organise something
  • Our activities do not activate a lot of wikipedians
  • What with volunteers that we do not reach in person (80% does not interact with the organisation)
  • We miss a larger volunteer base to work with
  • Number of members (OK; not OK?)
  • Not much / insufficient communication towards them

Organisations & Institutions

  • Organise libraries edit-a-thons
  • Improve our contacts with institutions
  • Good contacts with universities: VUB UGent Leuven Louvain-la-Neuve
  • Contacts with schools
  • Education projects (not going well?)
  • Collaboration with GLAMs begin to work better


  • Profit from & align with wider events (e.g. Public domain day)
  • We need more (active) projects
  • We have difficulties to create a community around our projects
  • We need to build upon successful projects
  • We have a lot of individual (unrelated) projects


  • Unclear focus - is it policy / support of community / culture?
  • We have no clear plan of our situation / what to do?
  • No thought-through plan made yet?
  • Lack of strategy?

Relationship with the Foundation

  • Improve the interaction with the Foundation
  • Lack of support (financially, technically, organisation wise) from WMF
  • Good project grants (according to WMF)
  • Work towards a (simple) APG

Skills and strengths

  • We are able to solve issues together
  • Different skills
  • More clear procedures (to be improved)
  • Close group of active board members/advisors (wanted)
  • We solve(d) problems in a healthy way
  • We are reactive = quick to take action
  • But we need to improve proactive planning and vision (in the future)
  • We are still a small chapter & organisation
  • We have a core group of people who keep putting effort in the organisation
  • (build) Trust between board members
  • Stable financial situation
  • Diversity of WMBE board and volunteers


  • We achieved FOP in Belgium
  • Famous WM brand - let's use it!
  • Great and successful projects we do & support
  • Brusselse schrijfweek, WLA, WLM

See also
