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ModeMuseum Antwerpen

Uit Wikimedia Belgium
Het gebouw

Het ModeMuseum Antwerpen (MoMu) is een provinciaal museum in de stad Antwerpen dat gericht is op mode en heeft verschillende activiteiten samen met Wikipedia/Wikimedia georganiseerd. Deze pagina documenteert de samenwerking die we met het museum hebben.



The purpose of the project is to import the donated images from the Fashion Museum Antwerp to Wikimedia Commons, and the data of the works on Wikidata. Further also articles about remarkable artworks are written in Wikipedia.

History and background


The collaboration with the Fashion Museum Antwerp was one of the first partnerships we had as Wikimedia Belgium, even before Wikimedia Belgium was founded.






Projecten & activiteiten

  • Edit-a-thon
    • Europeana Fashion project, 23 september 2013
  • Image donations
    • Some photos from the collection, maart 2013
    • Thesaurus drawings, november-december 2014


  • maart 2013 - Image donation of 33 images   (photos)
  • 23 september 2013 - Fashion edit-a-thon, Antwerp, organized together with Fashion Museum Antwerp and image donation to Commons of museum   (project | photos)
  • november-december 2014 - Image donation   (photos | project)
  • 21 november 2014 - Meeting to solve issues with image donation by Fashion Museum Antwerp   (images) (Romaine)
  • 27 november 2014 - Short meeting at Fashion Museum Antwerp   (Romaine)
  • 25 februari 2015 - Presentation concerning the role of CC licenses during the Europeana Fashion, International Conference, Workshop 'Handling Intellectual Property in Fashion Images', MoMu, Antwerp   (website (archived)) (Ste.caneva)
  • 7 april 2017 - Meeting with MoMu in Antwerp   (Romaine)
  • 12 oktober 2017 - The fashion thesaurus project has finished
  • 1 januari 2018 - The Fashion Museum Antwerp is no longer a provincial museum but is now part of De Museumstichting, together with FOMU Photo Museum and DIVA.   (website | nieuwsbericht (archived))
  • februari 2018-2020 - Fashion Museum Antwerp closed for renovation, temporary offices at Kaasstraat   (news (archived))




  • maart-mei 2013 - 33 images of dresses and lace   (u)
    • 11 mei 2013 - 9 images   ((intern) permission)
    • 8-10 mei 2013 - 16 images   ((intern) permission)
    • 15 maart 2013 - 8 images   ((intern) permission)
  • 15-16 december 2014 - 242 drawings from David Ring with GWToolset   ((intern) permission | u)
  • 4-24 februari 2016 - 230 drawings from David Ring   ((intern) permission | u)
  • 22-28 april 2016 - 24 images from Stany Dederen   ((intern) permission | u)
  • 13 februari 2017 - 3 drawings from David Ring   ((intern) permission | u)
  • 21 februari 2017 - 80 drawings from David Ring   ((intern) permission | u)
  • april-mei 2017 - 557 images of lace, costume parts, ornaments and more   (u)
  • februari 2018 - 103 images of pieces of clothing   (u)

Announcements and notices
